meeting with a lawyer

Case Assessment Session-Actionable advice for your legal problem

A case assessment session is very different from a free consultation. In a case assessment session, the lawyer prepare before discussing your legal problem. On the other hand, in a free legal consultation,the lawyer knows nothing about you or your situation before meeting with you.

This doesn’t help you to make the most effective use of meeting with a lawyer. You can get the answers to your general questions about you situation from information easily available online. For specific answers to your legal problem, the lawyer needs to collect information from you beyond the basic information. In many free consultations, most of your time will be spent providing this information.

Getting the Most out of Meeting With a Lawyer

meeting with a lawyer

The value of meeting with a lawyer is in having the lawyer apply the legal principles (the “information” you are probably looking for beyond what is out there) to the specific facts of your case.

This site  provides free divorce information for family issues in Florida.  Usually, this general information will answer most routine questions asked in a traditional free consultation. Online sites off information based on what most people look for when they have questions about family law issues.

Beyond general information, people look for specific advice as to their situation.  Neither this site nor most sites online will be able to provide that to you or anyone else.  The reason for that is that your specific case is very fact-intensive as to your situation, and  how the law will apply to those facts. For that, you and the lawyer must both be prepared to discuss your case fully.

You want to walk out of the meeting with actionable advice

Getting Actionable Information for Your Situation

Your time with me or any other lawyer is better spent getting information that is specific to your case after the lawyer is properly informed about you, your situation and the specific problems you have.

With a Case Assessment Session, I can provide specific advice to your situation. You provide me information before our session, which allows me to prepare to offer possible solutions to help you address your situation.

There is no time limit to a case assessment session. It takes however long is needed for you and I to discuss your situation and find possible solutions.

At the end of the session, you know what steps you need to take to get to where you need or want to be with your legal issue.

How to Prepare for a Session

Case assessment session are all about preparation before the session.

In a free consultation, you show up, sit in front of the lawyer; and essentially proceed to tell your life’ story to the lawyer, thinking that everything is important for the divorce.  As a result, the lawyer needs to start fishing out the important (relevant) details to be able to give you advice regarding your divorce  or paternity problem.  Most of your time in a free consultation will be spent on providing this information.  At the end, the lawyer will have to provide a best guess scenario given the information provided, and the available time to both of you.

With my case assessment session, the process is different. I will ask you to provide me all of the relevant facts before we speak about the legal issues.

Again, the difference between a case assessment session and a consultation is preparation before the session .  This is essential so you can get an idea of what you are facing, legally speaking, before you even get into court.

The interesting thing about the case assessment session is that it forces you to do some preparation as well.  You not only provide information, but you get to provide documents you want me to review even before we meet.

When Should You Ask for a Session

Case Assessment Sessions are beneficial in the following circumstances:

  • Filing for Divorce or Paternity – you want to file for divorce or paternity action, but don’t know your legal rights and obligations for your case;
  • Defending a Divorce or Paternity – you have been served with a petition in a divorce, paternity or domestic violence; and want to know specifically what your rights are, what to expect, what are the options available to you, etc.;
  • Enforcing or modify a prior final judgment – you want to enforce a provision of a final judgment of dissolution or paternity. Or, you want to enforce a provision in an agreement adopted by the court in your case.
  • Last Will and Testament – you want to have a will or revise an existing will; or
  • Life Planning Documents – You want life planning documents, like a durable power of attorney, living will and health care directive and the like.

How to Take Advantage of a Case Assessment Session

**I do not provide this service for uncontested divorce or paternity actions.  For uncontested divorces I provide flat fee service for divorces, with or without children.  You can find out more information about those services here**

To take advantage of a Case Assessment Session, the process is simple:

  • Complete this contact form and click submit.
  • I will contact you and we provide you a questionnaire for you to complete and return to us before we meet.  This information lets me prepare for our meeting; I can evaluating your case based on your individual circumstances.
  • We schedule the Session as soon as possible, given your schedule and mine.
  • The Session lasts as long as necessary to discuss possible solutions and probable outcomes of your case, and to answer all questions you may have.

All sessions take place over the telephone.

To request the questionnaire and schedule a Case Assessment Session, please fill out this request for me to call you; or call us when you’re read at 305-710-9419.