Category Archives: Miami Divorce Court News

Miami Divorce Court Covid-19 Building Reopening

The Miami Divorce Court has reopened to the public.  This does not mean, however, that things are running the same way as they were prior to mid-March 2020, when the court buildings were closed.

UPDATE: 9/3/2021 – Due to the recent surge in virus infection, trials and in-person hearings are temporarily suspended through 9/17/2021. For more information see this page at the Eleventh Judicial Circuit.

In the Miami Family Court, some hearings will continue to be virtual hearings only. Some cases will have no hearing at all.  In addition, there are guidelines in place to allow parties in individual cases to agree to have virtual hearings in matters that can now resume as in-person hearings.

Miami Divorce Court Hearings

For uncontested cases like an uncontested divorce or an uncontested paternity, the entire case will be electronic and is resolved administratively.  This means that if your case is uncontested, you will not be attending any virtual or in-person hearing.  The process is electronic from the beginning until the judge enters the final judgment of dissolution or final judgment of paternity.

The process described above is all about is just that: processing of cases.  If you are getting divorced, you still have to satisfy the legal requirements for a divorce. If, on the other hand, your case is about paternity, you still have legal requirements to file a paternity case.

Motion calendar is an example of hearings that will continue virtually.  In motion calendar, judges hear motions in individual cases that only require legal argument, no evidence is required.  Usually, only litigated cases have motion calendars .

Trials and evidentiary hearings longer than thirty minutes are those hearings which can be held in either person or virtually if agreed to by everyone.

Covid-19 Safety in Miami’s Divorce Court

You are not required to wear masks for in-court appearances.   You still can wear a mask if you choose to, of course.  If you want to wear a mask but do not take one, they will provide you one.

As of July 28, 2021, masks are once again mandatory at Courthouses in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

Physical distancing is not required.  If you will require physical distancing, the judge in your case will address this issue at the time. 

You can download a pdf of the Court’s Covid-19 Administrative Order for in-person guidance from this link.

If you are a person with a disability who needs assistance to attend a hearing virtually, the Court provides certain assistance at no cost to you under the American with Disabilities Act.  

You can get updated information about Covid-19 and ADA measures on the Court Covid-19 update page.

If you have an open case in the Miami-Dade County courts, it is a good idea to monitor the Court’s Covid-19 page for changes until your case is completed.

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