Category Archives: online divorce


Divorce Lawyer Online- How to Find Legitimate Legal Help

Using a divorce lawyer online for your divorce can save time and thousands of dollars in the entire process.  But searching online for a divorce lawyer will also bring up ads that are not from lawyers.  These ads can frequently appear right along with those of legitimate divorce lawyers.

Making sure a divorce lawyer online is a lawyer

Only a licensed divorce lawyer can provide you legal advice for your divorce.

All attorneys in the US need to be licensed.  In Florida, The Florida Bar licenses attorneys.  A person who holds themselves out to you as a lawyer must be licensed by The Florida Bar.  Moreover, practicing law without a license is illegal, but you can still find some people holding themselves out to the public as lawyers in some areas.  For example, immigration is an area where scams are easily found.

If you’re looking for legal advice from anyone online or on the phone, you can always search at The Florida Bar website to see if they are licensed attorneys, before you contact them.

Affordable help for divorce

Florida tries to make legal assistance affordable.  To do this, the law allows for persons who are not lawyer to provide assistance in filling out legal forms, such as divorce forms.  In some counties, like Miami-Dade, for example, the Court has a self-help program where you can get legal forms.  You cannot get legal advice from the self-help staff because they are not lawyers.

Getting help from another source is also possible, so long as you understand that persons who fill out forms are usually not lawyers.  They cannot provide you legal advice.  When they help you fill out any legal form, they must include information that lets you know whether they are lawyers.  If they are not, these forms usually include a paragraph for the non-lawyer to indicate that the name of the person who helped you complete the form and is not a lawyer.  It also requires them to include their name and information.

How to Know if You Need a Divorce Lawyer

There are instances when you can do your own divorce.  There are other instances where you may need the help of someone to prepare divorce forms so you can do your own divorce.

You may need the assistance of a divorce lawyer if you have questions about your divorce circumstances.  These questions may be about property, debt, children, child support, and any number of things that worry you about your circumstances.   The answers to these questions may be provided by Florida divorce laws, which involve legal advice.  Answers to questions that provide legal advice is what lawyers are licensed to do; they have the training in law to provide that advice.

As divorce lawyers online, we are able to offer legal help for divorce more efficiently for clients. Online divorces are also more affordable because technology reduces cost. 

Even courts now use technology, such as the Zoom virtual platform, for hearings. So even family court can be described as family court online.  In contested divorces, we routinely represent parties at hearings using virtual platforms.  Mediation and depositions are also using these virtual platforms.


Online advertisements make it easy for you to get the help you need for an online divorce or just about any other legal assistance.  But you need to make sure you can get the service you need from a trusted source.

If you are interested in doing your divorce online, contact us.