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Online Divorces – What They Are and How to Do Yours

Online divorces are possible thanks to the courts continuing to adopt technology.  When you understand what a true online divorce is, you can take advantage of the technology for your divorce. The idea is not only to streamline the judicial system, but to better serve those who have to use the system.  As with anything legal, though, online divorces are not just a matter of touch or click options provided.

What are online divorces?

Below you will find examples of situation when an online divorce may be advertised.  What they all have in common is that the divorce is one that is uncontested; that is, there is no litigation.

The definition of an online divorce will depend on what you, the party looking to get a divorce, is looking for.

Examples include the following:

  • Doing your own divorce – If you are looking to do your own divorce, you will find businesses who prepare forms advertising their online divorce services.  Their version of online divorces is one in which they provide you completed documents, and you do the rest, including filing the divorce.
  • Doing your divorce with an attorney but going to court – In this situation, an attorney prepares all your paperwork without you having to go into their office.  On the day of the hearing, you appear in court with the attorney.  This is usually found in Florida counties that do not provide the ability for an uncontested divorce to be done without a hearing.
  • Doing your divorce with an attorney with no court hearing – In this example, all the paperwork is prepared without you going into the attorney’s office and also without having to go to a court hearing.  Several counties in Florida offer this option.

Requirements for an Online Divorce

Online divorces are divorces are all about a “how” to get it done.  It is about the processing of your divorce through the legal system.

An online divorce still has the same requirements as a divorce for which you have to appear in court.  If you have minor children of the marriage, you must still satisfy the requirements of a parenting plan and setting child support.  If you have property and debt of the marriage, you must still divide those during the divorce.  Of course, the Florida residency requirement must also be met; you have to be living in Florida for at least 6 months before filing.

If you and your spouse enter into an agreement, then your divorce is uncontested and a great candidate for an online divorce.  If you have children, you and your spouse agree on a parenting plan and set child support, and also agree as to how to divide property and debt, you also have a divorce that is a great candidate for an online divorce process.

Where to Get an Online Divorce in Florida

Online divorces are not available in all Florida counties.  Sometimes you can get an online divorce in another county, even if your county does not offer that process. To find out if your county offers it, you would have to check with your local family court.

The Biggest Benefit of Online Divorces

Doing your divorce without having to go to court is already a great benefit.  Doing them for a flat fee instead of having to pay hourly fees is even better.  The combination of an online divorce for a flat fee provides you the benefits of less stress, a quicker divorce, a no hourly legal fees.


The bottom line is that online divorces are legitimate if your county divorce court offers it, and you and your spouse want to work together to get it done.   Or if you can get it done in another county in Florida.

If you would like to find out more about our flat-fee Florida online divorces, without a court hearing, regardless of where you live in Florida, visit Florida Divorce Online from Anywhere in Florida.

If you live in Miami-Dade, Broward or Monroe Counties, Florida, and want to find out about our flat-fee online divorce with no court hearing, visit

Contested or litigated divorces cannot be done without court hearings.  If you are about to face a contested divorce you can ask for a case assessment session to find out about your rights and what you are facing in your divorce situation.


Happy Thanksgiving 2021!

Unlike last year, this Thanksgiving  2021 gives us an opportunity to celebrate with family and friends a bit freer than we may have done in 2020.  Personally, my family will once again be celebrating the way we used to:  all of us together under one roof, sharing meals, silliness and laughter.  We are grateful for the opportunity to get back together so quickly, relatively speaking.

Image credit: Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Any meal can have a special meaning when shared with our family and friends.  Only the Thanksgiving meal has the possibility of filling us in many subtle ways, besides letting us enjoy delicious, traditional food.

We know that gratitude is the keystone of this one holiday.  This is the second year in which some of us may not feel up to the task of feeling  grateful if we have suffered the great loss brought about by the passing of loved ones.

Still, one way to celebrate those that are no longer with us is to celebrate with those that are, to share our love and time with those that remain.  It is wise to seize any opportunity to share love and time with those around us that mean the most to us in the present.

Besides those near to us, we can show our appreciation and love generally even for those we do not know.  Those who are, as the saying goes, less fortunate than us or are going through a tough time.

This year I thought I’d share three opportunities where you can express your gratitude for others in small and (oftentimes) invisible ways.  Below are the three links to organizations that I believe are worthy of any contribution. 

The first two links are for Dade and Broward organizations that help with food insecurity, a fancy phrase for people who are experiencing hunger for any reason.  For Miami-Dade, Edible Communities compiled  this list.  For Broward, the Sun Sentinel provides one as well.

Regarding children

This Thanksgiving may be extremely difficult for many children.

As Forbes reports, many children have lost their parents to Covid-19. Besides food banks, there is an opportunity to help through the Children’s Bereavement Center, an organization where children and families can get help when they lose a loved one.  I learned about it from a friend.  I think it is a great opportunity to help at a time of loss, particularly when it comes to children, many of whom have no ability to deal with losses as we adults do. From their website: Our goal at the Children’s Bereavement Center (CBC) is to enable children and families to acknowledge change, adjust and integrate loss with healthful grief and mourning.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration with your loved ones.